Black History Conference: Sat. Feb. 17, 2024
CLICK HERE to access/download the event manual.
Black Inventors Session Supplement
CLICK HERE to access/download the reference and resources page from the black inventors session.
. . .registration is now open! (click here or use "registration" tab above)
2 0 2 3 J u r i s d i c t i o n a l L e a d e r s h i p C o n f e r e n c e
Please click this link to take our survey and submit your feedback.
CLICK HERE to register for the conference. |
J.O.C. Leadership Conference 2022: Details & Registrations HERE.
R e g i s t r a t i o n i s n o w c l o s e d.
Zoom access credentials for AIM University will be sent to the email on file for the person who registered for the household.
If you're the registration contact, and have not received your access credentials by 1:30 p.m. (MST) on June 15, please contact the Education Department at 720-446-9340. We will not be able to respond to calls or emails AFTER 3:45 p.m. on June 15, in order to finish preparing for the event.
If you're the registration contact, and have not received your access credentials by 1:30 p.m. (MST) on June 15, please contact the Education Department at 720-446-9340. We will not be able to respond to calls or emails AFTER 3:45 p.m. on June 15, in order to finish preparing for the event.
A.I.M. University 2021Tuesday, June 15th Register through June 13 We're going virtual again this year. Registration cost: $15 per household (see details below). ALL participants must register to obtain access.
6:00 p.m. - College Fair
Vertical Divider
AIM U. Registration is a 2-step process -After you complete your payment, be sure to click on the "return to merchant" button at the bottom of the page to submit the short registration form. We'll cross-reference the registration form with your payment details to grant you access to AIM University.
Standard registration allows access for up to 5 devices; each additional device is $3 (e.g. a family of 8 would pay $24 to get access for all members). . .see the chart below for further explanation.
For example: "standard" w/ a quantity of 2 assumes you're purchasing access for 10 devices = $30! If you actually want access for SIX devices, you'd select "add'l devices (1) and pay $18.
2021 J.O.C. Leadership Conference: Jan. 29-30
CLICK HERE to register.
Details and links regarding the C.O.G.I.C. Counts Initiative can be found by clicking here or the Nov 3 tab above.
JOC A.I.M. 2020 Virtual Conference
J U N E 11th & 12th. . .Kicks off with AIM University!
CLICK HERE to watch the Live stream services each night here,
or on our Facebook page:
or on our Facebook page:
Click here
to view session topics for AIM University 2020. R E G I S T E R H E R E (short extension, because we still have room for YOU. . .registration will close at noon today.) Aim University begins at 6:15 pm (MST); participants should log on at 6:10 (refer to your email for additional information and/or instructions).
*NOTICE: To get the most out of the AIM U. experience, we strongly recommend that you access the sessions from an internet connected device, such as a laptop, desktop, or tablet. You can also access via a smartphone or iPhone. While you can access the session via dail-in (the likes of a conference call) your functionality may be limited, and you will not have the added benefit of any visuals shared by our presenters.
VENDORS, secure your booth space today
Vertical Divider
"Laugh. . .you might live longer!"Saturday, March 28, 2020 @ 6:00 p.m. (doors open at 5:45)
T I C K E T S O N S A L E N O W !
Pay a flat rate of $75
and save 25% off the standard rate ($100) until March 20, 2020. You keep whatever you make that night! This year's event will take place on Saturday, March 28 @ 6pm. Click here to complete the request form |
Vertical Divider
F I R S T 75
A D U L T tickets $17 off Y O U T H tickets $10 off
All tickets purchased online are slated as "Will-Call". Simply present your name (or the name of the person who purchased for your group) at the door. You are always welcome to bring a printed or digital copy of your PayPal receipt as secondary proof.
If buying tickets for a group where participants may not all arrive/check-in at the same time, we encourage you to forward a copy of your receipt to your group members.
If buying tickets for a group where participants may not all arrive/check-in at the same time, we encourage you to forward a copy of your receipt to your group members.